L’Ordine dei Geologi della Campania, considerate sia la necessità di un dialogo più intenso e costante tra il mondo accademico e professionale sia la dimensione internazionale nella quale operano oggi professionisti ed imprese, ha promosso la sessione “The future vision of engineering geology: advances and perspectives for tomorrow’s environment” che si terrà il 9 Settembre p.v. nell’ambito dell’88° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana (Napoli, 7-9 Settembre 2016) http://www.sginapoli2016.it/home/index.php

La sessione è stata concepita come momento di confronto e di sinergie per lo sviluppo di attività mirate alla promozione della figura professionale del geologo ed all’ampliamento dei suoi orizzonti professionali.

S39 – The future vision of engineering geology: advances and perspectives for tomorrow’s environment


Francesco Russo (Ordine dei Geologi della Campania), Silvia Fabbrocino (Università di Napoli Federico II), Francesco Marchese (Italferr)

Keynote speaker: Janusz Wasowski (CNR-IRPI, Bari)


In the last years, a lot of attention has been paid to the future challenges and opportunities for engineering geologists by National and International technical and scientific community. It has been argued that an effective interface between geology and engineering is crucial in view of sustainable development strategies. The cooperation between researchers and practitioners is of paramount importance in developing and promoting approaches and tools for territory management and protection and in recognizing global actions on priority issue. The aim of the session is to discuss and develop the main topics of engineering geology in a way that might be of interest to policy makers and forecaster of science and technology trends. The site investigation practice and the use of geological and hydrogeological model in the characterization of a site for engineering applications are key tools of planning, design and construction in the civil engineering as well as of management and safety of environmental resources. Theme involves studies and projects relating to civil engineering, environmental resources and geohazards through conventional and innovative techniques. They rely, but are not limited to, with the application to major infrastructure developments, to the risk assessment of natural and anthropogenic hazards, to devise reliable remedial strategies for civil protection purposes, to the management and safety of natural resources.


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